If you stop learning you stop growing! training is a fundamental element of personal and professional growth. we organize basic and advanced photography courses and courses on portrait work, lighting techniques and photoshop in a welcoming, well-equipped environment.
Basic photography
Digital photography equipment, from a compact camera to a professional reflex. lenses, focal distance and apertures. see through the eyes of a photographer. all the secrets of exposure, reflected and incidental light. principles of composition, golden rules and the rule of third. principles of artificial and natural lighting. basic techniques of portrait, sport, macro and landscape photography..
Lighting techniques
A course for professionals
- The physics of light, wave length. frequency, principle of the “inverse square” rule.
- Psychological effect of light, symbols and atmosphere, goethe’s psychology of colours.
- How to control direction and contrast.
- Direct, reflected and filtered light – characteristics and uses.
- Managing shade as a fundamental element of three-dimensionality.
Personalised courses
Courses at home or in a studio where we pass on all our know how and experience of the photography world, particularly on the management of light. Info: info@pieroprincipi.com | +39 347 8961046